Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Rommel troops in Denmark


  1. Bueno. Parece que han resucitado. Enhorabuena! Que sigan dopados, aunque eso sea trampa. Abrazos, con otro de Consue. Wal

  2. My dear Vickie and Boris,
    So I continue living through you...thank you for such awesome pictures and for sharing every moment of this special journey with us!
    Yes, this type of scenery I have only experienced through books and "puzzles", ha, ha, ha! How I would love to visit these places one day! for now I will enjoy through your blog.
    Best of luck, enjoy every second and y sigue pedaleando!!!
    Te quiero mucho, mil besos y cuidense!
    Go Boris.....and really.....Go Vickie!!!!!!
