We saw: the sea along the whole ride
We ate: good herrings with rye bread
We pedaled: 60 km.
Our average speed: 18 km/h
We slept: Troense Hotel

This trip is just becoming better and better. Denmark is so beautiful, each landscape reminds me of fairy tales. The light is quite special and it seems to never leave us. We go to bed and it is light out we wake up at 6 and the sun seems to have been out for hours.
Today we pedaled the longest distance so far: 60 km plus we increased our average speed and the hills were easier to handle. I am so happy. Maybe I will lose weight after all…that would be my biggest medal!

We crossed a beautiful bridge over from Svendborg to Troense which has a gorgeous view over both towns. We got here at 3pm which gave me enough time to finally update this blog. Now, after this we will go immediately to bed. Can´t wait for tomorrow’s discoveries.
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