At 7:00 am, our dear friend David picked us up at home. We said goodbye to our home, our dogs and cat and left without worries, since they would be taken care by Martin (Boris' bother and his family). I know beautiful Matilde would give them lots of love while we were away.
David drove us in a VW minivan to Malaga's airport. We chose Malaga as our departure spot to avoid plane transits in Madrid or Barcelona. Air Cimber flies low cost from Malaga to Copenhagen almost everyday. They charge you about 70 euros extra for the each bicycle. We were there quite early to have enough time to deal with the entire bicycle ordeal.
As we got there, we were one of the first ones to line up for check-in. The lady on the counter was very nice but she had a skeptical look in her eyes towards the bikes...She said to us that the scanner of the airport was too small for the bikes. It made no sense to us giving the fact the Malaga's airport was recently built. It opened last year!
We took the bikes to the first scanner and as expected, they did not fit. The security man told us that we would have to unpack them, dismantle them, past them through the scanner and then assemble them again, pack them again and finish to check- in!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ayyayai...Aside from the pain in the ass this would be, we had no biking tools to do any of that because they were already checked-in with our luggage.
So the security man gave us the option to go to the second scanner. We had to go with our bikes one floor down. The second scanner was slightly bigger so the bikes did not fit either. The security man from scanner number 2, suggested to unpack them, dismantle them, past them through the scanner and then assemble them again, pack them again and finish to check- in!!!!!!!!!!!!! After telling him our situation, he sent us to scanner number 3.
Scanner number 3 was located at the very end of the buses parking lot. We all know that airport distances are not short at all. So we went down to scanner number 3 and luckily, the bikes fit. The woman from Air Cimber was with us all the time feeling quite ashamed of the logistics of this new airport. So were we.
We had had enough, but did not now what came next: Air Comber seats were smaller than scanner number 1. We had the most tight 3.5 hour flight to Copenhagen you can ever imagine, touching arm to arm with a very long hair neighbor who softly tickled through the entire flight. Not too mention the ambience of a screaming kid in our back row that kept us from sleeping to forget it all.
Hola Vicky y Boris, definitivamente toda una aventura completa. Se veque la estan disfrutando paso a paso "lo bueno lo malo y lo feo..." pero como dice Vicky ya estan en la etapa de mejoria y manejando cada vez las situaciones con mayor facilidad. Felicitaciones!!! y sigan disfrutandolo de maravilla con los paisajes tan preciosos. Muchos abrazos, Consuelo.